andrew Carson Wind Sculptures
Choosing Your Andrew Carson Wind Sculpture
sEVEN unique Kinetic ScULPTUREs to choose from
Each Andrew Carson Wind Sculpture top is made from a combination of hot glass and kiln cast glass pieces with fabricated bronze, hammered copper and welded steel. All colored metal is powder coated for strength and color durability. Each Wind Sculpture is built using marine grade stainless steel. Salt water does not damage the steel, however the copper will patina over time. All the sculptures are meant to be displayed in all weather conditions. All moving parts have sealed stainless steel bearings.
pick your pillar
Depending on which top you choose for your Wind Sculpture you have the option to choose either a stainless steel or copper pillar.* The stainless steel pillar differs slightly depending on which top you choose, please see the images bellow for clarity. For those choosing a copper pillar, the outer pillar is copper, which will patina in time. The inner pillar used for strength is stainless steel.
*The Crazy Color Swirl and Zephyr Top are only available on the copper pillar.
Designing your space
Carson Wind Sculptures are mounted into a variety of surfaces. For ground installation, the site is prepared with a concrete base. For deck mounting- we recommend attaching a small plate (provided) to the base of the pillar. The pillar bolts to that plate. All sculptures can withstand wind in the 60 mph hour range. Leafy Phoenix and Small Color Galaxy need some wind buffering. We recommend having it buffered on two sides by trees or other plants.
For extreme weather conditions we highly recommend disassembling your sculpture. A garage stand can be ordered. If a sculpture is damaged by weather or other event, contact us.
Ground Mount
The sculpture is secured by a round hole 12-14” diameter. 18”- 24” deep.
A bolting template is provided to ensure bolt alignment.
Deck mount is accomplished much the same way. We can provide a second plate to bolt into when the deck material may not provide enough security. We can even make a deck mount that allows for easy removal of the sculpture.
Maintenance and care
There is virtually no maintenance required.
The painted pieces are powder coated and will not fade, neither will the glass colors.
The stainless steel doesn’t change color, but the copper will patina over time.
No moving parts will require lubricating or cleaning, as they are marine grade stainless steel bearings.
Salt water will not damage your Wind Sculpture, but it should be washed down occasionally to get any salt build up off your Carson.
When your Wind Sculpture gets dirty out in the elements, it can easily be cleaned by hosing it off.